Sunday, March 27, 2016

Episode 63: Tod Palmer of the KC Star

After that football game, you're probably looking for a way to relax and come down off an unexpected high, and you might even still be too drunk from when K-State had lost to read more than a few sentences strung together. We're here to help with a special early basketball podcast to get you ready for the Kansas State-Missouri showdown Monday at the CBE Classic in Kansas City. Feel free to just skip ahead and press play.

Missouri and K-State basketball have a lot in common these days, and much of it is not good. Suspensions, transfers, bad offense, and of course, plenty of losing have marred the last year for both programs, but there's reason for optimism in Columbia and Manhattan. First-time guest host Eric Rubottom (TheBigE) talks about it with me from the K-State perspective, while the KC Star's Tod Palmer discusses the Mizzou side.

He also helped us break down Monday's matchup, discussed Kim Anderson's future and briefly touched on all the madness happening at Mizzou. Finally, we switched to a much happier subject as Tod told us about his experience covering the Royals this fall and what it was like to be at perhaps the largest gathering in Kansas City history. You can read Tod's work on the KC Star's website and follow him on Twitter @TodPalmer.

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