Thursday, September 19, 2013

Episode 4: David Ubben of Fox Sports Southwest

Big 12 savant and Friend of BOTC David Ubben of Fox Sports Southwest joined Derek Smith, Jon Morse and myself for a podcast prior to Kansas State Big 12 opener at Texas this Saturday. He answered some questions about the key storylines (note since this was recorded Tuesday Mack Brown had not yet made it official Tyrone Swoopes would be playing) and what to expect, as well as some thoughts on the Texas coaching situation.

We also discussed the Big 12 as a whole and learned why Ubben has given up trying to get his name pronounced right on the weekly Big 12 coaches teleconference. If you get bored or are short on time, be sure to skip ahead to the final 45 seconds to hear Ubben's prediction for the game. I think you'll like it.